Södertälje konsthall

Södertälje konsthall



My Inner, My Outer, My Home
By Stefania Sir Rjeb, Jimmy Rahkola, Agnes Hjalmarsson,

My Inner, My Outer, My Home
By Stefania Sir Rjeb, Jimmy Rahkola, Agnes Hjalmarsson,

My Inner, My Outer, My Home
By Stefania Sir Rjeb, Jimmy Rahkola, Agnes Hjalmarsson,

My Inner, My Outer, My Home
By Stefania Sir Rjeb, Jimmy Rahkola, Agnes Hjalmarsson,

My Inner, My Outer, My Home
By Stefania Sir Rjeb, Jimmy Rahkola, Agnes Hjalmarsson,

My Inner, My Outer, My Home
By Stefania Sir Rjeb, Jimmy Rahkola, Agnes Hjalmarsson,

My Inner, My Outer, My Home
By Stefania Sir Rjeb, Jimmy Rahkola, Agnes Hjalmarsson,


My Inner, My Outer, My Home
By Stefania Sir Rjeb, Jimmy Rahkola, Agnes Hjalmarsson,

24/08 – 28/09, 2024

‘My Inner, My Outer, My Home’ presents a multifaceted portrayal of the home, both as a physical place and as a deeply personal and emotional sphere.

Artists Stefania Sir Rjeb, Jimmy Rahkola and Agnes Hjalmarsson takes on the home as a place of vulnerability and intimacy as their starting point, but also themes such as identity, love and mourning processes are processed in complex layers of emotions, memories and relationships.

Agnes Hjalmarsson shows the series ‘To My Muse’, paintings depicting her partner. A tribute to love, to everyday life and the small miracles that can happen in an artist couple’s cramped studio apartment in Malmö. In contrast, Stefania Sir Rjeb shows surrealistic paintings that explore the in-between and the act of never belonging to the space you are placed in. Jimmy Rahkola is a poet and photographer. Through his project ‘163hewrote’ he conveys the difficulties that exist in deprived areas. Focusing on Tensta as a neighbourhood, we encounter a strong personal and emotional poetry.

What we call home varies for every each of us, and can be more than a place of safety, protection, recovery and rest. Based on our different personal experiences, a home can be a portal where we encounter different emotions and associations. A sense of home is what we ideally endeavor for in our society, while at the same time our homes are also decorated by various negative emotions that are embedded in our walls and disturb us in our safe spaces. In the home, we should be able to let go of the social obligations we usually adapt to, but what if we can’t? What if the home instead is associated with trauma and anxiety? Our volatile consciousness can reshape the home so that it fulfils the function of home peace, escapism and longing for something else is always in our consciousness.

‘My Inner, My Outer, My Home’ takes us on a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant experience that illuminates the profound ties we have to the concept of home.

Curated by: Obscura Art

Obscura Art is a group of curators consisting of Daniella Maraui, Cultural studies, specializing in anthropology, Patipan Bunpuckdee Fjällid, Cultural studies, specializing in fashion and Felicia Troedsson Friberg, Architect. Obscura Art explores the hidden and complexities of art and culture by creating space for new conversations and presenting works that challenge the viewer’s understanding of the world.


Bilder: Agnes Hjalmarsson, Jimmy Rahkola, Stefania Sir Rjeb.