Södertälje Konsthall

Södertälje Konsthall



Unsigned, untitled, undated
By Tim Beeby,

Unsigned, untitled, undated
By Tim Beeby,

Unsigned, untitled, undated
By Tim Beeby,

Unsigned, untitled, undated
By Tim Beeby,

Unsigned, untitled, undated
By Tim Beeby,

Unsigned, untitled, undated
By Tim Beeby,

Unsigned, untitled, undated
By Tim Beeby,



Unsigned, untitled, undated
By Tim Beeby,

‘Unsigned Untitled Undated,’ 130 canvases for Södertälje

Visas mellan

03/10 – 05/10, 2024

The exhibition consists of works on canvas, all of which are unsigned, untitled, and undated. The works are hung on the wall and/or presented in stacks against the wall. Visitors are invited to select a canvas to take away with them free of charge.

Alternatively, visitors can have their canvas signed, titled, and dated by the artist and acquire it in the conventional manner at market price. Those works that are purchased will be photographically recorded and all details entered into a digital catalogue. In addition, a certificate of authenticity will be issued to the purchaser. Those works that remain unsigned will not be individually photographed, catalogued or registered by any other means.

In terms of materials used and aesthetic value, the unsigned and signed groups of work are indistinguishable.