Who Killed Kabila? is an expansive international collaborative project, exhibition and publications that draws from the event of the killing of the Congolese President Laurent-Désiré Kabila, 2001. An event that shocked the world and from which multiple narratives emerged.
A project by: Glänta, Kalmar konstmuseum, Marabouparken, Konstfack, Södertälje konsthall and Chimurenga.
A communications war ensued with diverse and contradicting stories put forth with suspects including the CIA; Rwandan government; French government; Lebanese diamond dealers; family members and even musicians. The South African journal Chimurenga draws from this example to highlight the complexity of how to relate to the event today, questioning how can one narrate a story when we live in a world where multiple narratives are continually at work? How does one write history when the official “truth” is itself suspect; when rumour has replaced fact as the most reliable form of knowledge production; when knowledge can only ever be tentative, contingent, and situated; and when faced with a cacophony of voices and a multiplicity of narratives?
Together with Chimurenga and in relation to their original project, Södertälje konsthall together with the journal Glänta, Marabouparken and Kalmar konstmuseum is presenting an archive in progress, that will end up in an exhibition, a publication and other events in the upcoming year.
The aim is to bring together collaborators, to collectively expand and tune the acts of listening from this space and time to other spaces, other times, and to develop ways to relate and respond to the event from the past as well as the present and towards the future.