This exhibition was shown at the same time as Five Cubans (Fem kubaner) and Afro-Art.
Twelve graphic prints by Rolando Perez were shown, one with the name The Conquistador – The Conqueror (Conquistadoren – Erövraren) that makes out the title for his exhibition. The surrealism in the Latin American storytelling tradition is close at hand. In the images one can read a multitude of parallel stories – commentaries with grand humour and imagination about colonialism and political situations in the artist’s native country Chile.
After studies at the art school in Santiago, Rolando studied to become an art teacher at Konstfack in Stockholm and graduated in 1980. He is a member of Södertälje art association (Södertälje konstnärskrets) and has on a number of occasions exhibited at Södertälje konsthall, most recently in the exhibition International Museum of Resistance 1978-2020 (see more here). After a long career of teaching art in the municipality, he is now solely working on his on art, which is of a multimedia character.