Cecilia Valdés has transferred drawings to arpilleras, a collage technique where textile materials are mixed. The drawings are created by children aged 3-15 years from Bårstabergen. Bårstabergens Hyresgästförening invests in children’s activities in the project Trivselvärdar which started in 2010.
Culture is a way for children to appreciate the environment in the residential area. Once a week, the children come to the Tenants’ Association’s premises and draw, paint, do crafts, play theater, play and plant flowers. The children also discuss human rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, fire safety, talk about various Nobel laureates and have a dialogue with local politicians to make the housing area safer.
In May, Bårstabergen Day is organized, a party for everyone. This contributes to community and a good living environment. If the children thrive and get involved in their residential area, this affects both children and adults in a positive way. With this exhibition, we want to show the voluntary commitment to Bårstabergen’s best interests and arouse interest among politicians to invest more in Bårstabergen. The textiles have previously been shown at ICA Orren, thanks to its generous owners, and have been much appreciated by customers.